Transportasi Darat dalam Bahasa Mandarin (Land Transportation in Chinese(

a.Kosakata Mandarin Tentang Transportasi Darat ( Land Transportation Vocabulary)

陆运(lù yùn = Transportasi Darat ( Land transportation)
自行车 (zì xíng chē) (China)= Sepeda(Bicycle)

脚踏车(jiǎo tà chē) (Taiwan)=Sepeda(Bicycle)
摩托车 (mó tuō chē) = Sepeda motor ( Motorcycle)

三轮车(sān lún chē)= Becak (Pedicab)
马车(mǎ chē) = Kereta Kuda (Cart)

公共汽车 (gōng gòng qì chē) = Bus Umum (Public Bus)
校车(xiào chē) = Bus Sekolah (School Bus)

大巴(dà bā) = Bus Pariwisata ( Tourist Bus)
巴士(bā shì) = Bus (Bus)

双层巴士(shuāng céng bā shì) = Bus Dua Tingkat (Double-decker Bus)
交通车(jiāo tōng chē)= Bus Trayek (Shuttle Bus)

汽车 (qì chē) = Mobil (Car)
卡车 kǎ chē = Truk ( Lorry / Truck)

消防车 (xiāo fáng chē] = Mobil Pemadam Kebakaran (Fire Engine)
救护车 (jiù hù chē) = Ambulans (Ambulance)

警车 (jǐng chē) = Mobil Polisi (Police Car)
的士 (dī shì) (China) = Taksi (Taxi)

计乘车(jì chéng chē) (Taiwan) = Taksi (Taxi)
有轨电车(yǒu guǐ diàn chē) = Kereta Trem (Tram)

地铁 (dì tiě) = MRT (Metro)
火车(huǒ chē) = Kereta Api (Train)
高铁(gāo tiě) = Kereta Api Kecepatan Tinggi (High Speed Railway)

Teman-teman Alien Mandarin yang ingin mempelajari tentang jenis-jenis transportasi air dan udara dalam bahasa mandarin dapat membacanya di sini (Jenis-jenis Transportasi Air dan Udara dalam Bahasa Mandarin)

Contoh (Example):
1.我喜欢搭火车 (wǒ xǐ huān dā huǒ chē
I like to take the train / saya suka naik kereta api

2.你们国家有地铁吗?(nǐ mén guó jiā yǒu dì tiě má ?)
Do you have metro in your country?
Apakah negara kamu punya MRT?

3.我搭计乘车去公司。(wǒ dā jì chéng chē qù gōng sī
I go to company by taxi
saya pergi ke perusahaan naik taksi

b. Dialog (Conversation)
 坐火车 zuò huǒ chē =Naik Kereta Api

āi dé lǐ ān nà wǒ zhī dào nǐ gāng gāng chéng huǒ chē cóng mì ěr wò jī qù liǎo míng ní ā bō lì sī zhè shì nǐ dì yī cì zuò huǒ chē má

Adrienne: I understand you recently rode a train from Milwaukee to Minneapolis. Was this the first time you ever rode a train?
Andrienne: saya tahu kamu baru-baru ini naik kereta api dari Milwaukee ke Minneapolis. Apakah ini pertama kali kamu naik kereta api?

wēi wēi ān bù shì wǒ nián qīng dí shí hòu zuò guò hěn duō cì huǒ chē zuì jìn 3 4 nián wǒ yě zuò guò jī cì huǒ chē wǒ yǒu yī duàn shí jiān méi yǒu zuò huǒ chē bù guò wǒ fēi cháng xiǎng shòu zuò huǒ chē dí shí jiān

Vivian: No, I have been on a train many times as a young person but recently in the past 3 or 4 years I have ridden a train again several times. There was a period of time in my life that I did not ride the train, and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.

Vivian: Tidak, saat remaja, saya sudah naik beberapa kali. Baru 3 atau 4 tahun lalu, saya juga naik kereta api beberapa kali. Ada satu waktu memang saya tidak naik kereta api, tetapi saya sangat menikmati waktu perjalanan dengan kereta api

āi dé lǐ ān nà xiàn zài zuò huǒ chē hé nǐ nián qīng shí zuò huǒ chē yǒu shí me bù yī yàng má
Adrienne: How is it different riding the train now then it was back when you were younger?
Andrienne: Apakah ada perbedaan saat kamu naik kereta api sekarang dengan sewaktu kamu remaja?

wēi wēi ān wǒ nián qīng dí shí hòu yǒu xǔ duō bù tóng dí liè chē yuán nà shí zuò huǒ chē fàn cài bù shì sòng dào zuò wèi shàng rú guǒ huǒ chē shàng yǒu cān chē rú guǒ yǒu cān chē dí huà nǐ kě yǐ qù cān chē chī dōng xī dàn shì yǒu xiē huǒ chē yóu qí shì nà xiē duǎn tú huǒ chē jiù xiàng wǒ zhù zài mì sū lǐ zhōu dí jiā fēi nà lǐ wèi yú mèng fēi sī shì hé shèng lù yì sī shì zhōng jiān nà xiē duǎn tú huǒ chē jiù méi yǒu cān chē ér zuó tiān wǒ mén gāng gāng zuò huǒ chē huí lái wǒ mén zuò zài liǎo xià céng chē xiāng nà lǐ shì cán jí rén chē xiāng wǒ mèi mèi shì cán jí rén liè chē yuán gěi wǒ mén ná liǎo cài dān tā mén gěi wǒ mén sòng lái liǎo wǎn cān bāo kuò shā lā tián diǎn kā fēi hé chá yǒu wǒ mén xiǎng hē dí rèn hé yǐn liào

Vivian: When I was younger they had a different set of train people. Back then, you weren't served meals at your seat. You had, if they had a dining car, if they had a dining car, you could go into the dining car and eat but some trains, especially on short distances, like when I lived in Jaffy, Missouri, it was halfway between Memphis and St. Louis. Those were short routes and they did not have dining cars. On this trip that we just got back from yesterday, we had our, we were in the lower car because it's a handicap car. My sister is handicapped, and they brought us a menu, and they brought us a full dinner, including salad and dessert and coffee or tea, whatever we would like to drink.

Vivian: saat saya remaja, begitu banyak karyawan kereta api yang berbeda. Saat itu naik kereta api disajikan makanan di tempat dudukmu. Jika didalam kereta ada gerbong jualan makanan, kamu bisa pergi ke gerbong itu makan. Tetapi ada beberapa kereta api, khususnya yang jarak dekat, seperti ketika saya tinggal di Jaffy, Missouri. Itu adalah pertengahan antara Memphis dan St.Louis. itu adalah jarak dekat dan mereka tidak punya gerbong jualan makanan. Kemarin kami baru naik kereta pulang, kami duduk di kereta bagian bawah karena itu adalah kereta khusus disabilitas. Adik perempuan saya penderita disabilitas dan mereka membawakan kami menu dan membawakan makan makan yaitu salad, dessert, kopi dan teh dan ada minuman apa saja yang ingin kita minum

āi dé lǐ ān nà huǒ chē shàng dí shí wù zěn me yàng bǐ jiā cháng cài hǎo má
Adrienne: How was the food on the train? Was it better than plain food?
Andrienne: Bagaimana dengan makanan di kereta? Apakah lebih enak dari makanan rumah?

wēi wēi ān hǎo duō le hǎo hěn duō huǒ chē shàng dí shí wù shì gù dìng dí chú shī zuò dé fēi cháng bàng wǒ zhī dào nà shì zài huǒ chē shàng pēng rèn dí shí wù kě néng bù shì quán bù dū zài huǒ chē shàng pēng rèn wán chéng bù guò nà xiē shā lā kěn dìng shì zài huǒ chē shàng zhǔn bèi dí suǒ yǐ méi yǒu nà zhǒng bāo zhuāng shí pǐn dí wèi dào

Vivian: Oh, much better. Much better. It was fixed. The chef's did a fantastic job and I understand that it is cooked on the train. It may not be all cooked on the train but it certainly is prepared and the salads are prepared on the train so that you don't get these package food tastes.

Vivian: Oh, jauh lebih baik. Makanan di kereta sudah pasti. Kokinya memasak dengan hebat dan itu dimasak diatas kereta. Mungkin tidak semuanya dimasak di atas kereta tetapi saladnya pasti disiapkan diatas kereta, jadi tidak ada bau pembungkus makanannya.

āi dé lǐ ān nà tīng qǐ lái hěn yǒu lè qù
Adrienne: That sounds fun though.
Andrienne: kedengarannya sangat menyenangkan

wēi wēi ān fēi cháng yǒu yì sī wǒ fēi cháng xiǎng shòu zuò huǒ chē shí dí měi fēn měi miǎo
Vivian: Oh, it was great fun! We enjoyed every minute of it.
Andrienne: sangat bermakna. Saya sangat menikmati setiap detik perjalanannya

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